Back to animating and back to drawing and being artsy
Apparently being miserable really contributes to drawing. I'm the type to sketch my feelings out, and I guess lots of people are, since there's ventart. So it started out like that and now I'm really planning on doing more and more.
My life got to a point where drawing was the best part of my day, I had nothing else to look forward to. I guess I should have relalized sooner that something was not right. It started dragging a bit and I was just torturing myself. Luckily my supporting personnel (mom and grandma) helped me through it and so I decided to put a stop on school. It was literally driving me mad.
So through my hardships I started drawing again, now trying to ''master'' digital drawing. In my last ''period of drawing more'' (2016 feb-april) I did grayscale sketch drawings mainly. A lot of them were darker themed, but I did get to practice a lot and I enjoyed what I did. And there was a small revolution, I started drawing humans. Or more like anime styled characters and people. So I actually have evolved since my last post here.
Lets see, my last known breakthroughs were summer of 2015 when I took on two Map projects (and only finished one). Got too far ahead of myself. Later that year I was trying to finish the Heroes Map but failed miserably. At least I put together something of a video.
Then the second boom of art, drawing grayscale ventart and slowly trying to draw hoomans! Oh my gosh I would have not seen that coming. I shit you not.(this got out of hand way fast sorry)
ex 1 |
ex 2 |
This is what I did then
So we got the MAPs revolution
for animation
And the drawing thing
for drawing
AND now
I started trying to learn digital draws
(we'll see how well that goes)
So this has been what happened after my 2011 fallout (love naming these periods)
Of course I did draw inbetween 2011 and 2015 too, but it wasn't exactly revolutionary
Nothing clicked in my head or changed in my skills
2009 end to 2011 was my golden era (I was like 13-15 then lol)
It's kind of like the birth of jesus? I start counting major changes (or any activity at all really) from there hahah. Before ''my dawn of animation'', there was nothing, after it there was nothing as well... until there was SOMETHING (and those somethings are my revolutions woo)
too dramatic? pf
So where I wanted this introduction to my LIFE lead to, is now!
I'm kind of like a homeless cat at this point. Haven't lost hope, still searching for a life though, so that's positive at least. And yes I actually do have a home that was a figure of speech.
One day (a few days ago, a magical date 11.11) I watched a lot of MAPs and... wait let me correct myself. One night* I was watching MAPs and MAP parts and animated stuff and was deeply inspired and wanted to just test some movements and situations/reactions 'n so. SO I finally used my beloved tablet for animating after a long while. And now I'm in the middle of this:
Been long overdue, but I guess it was just the right moment at the same time. I can't force myself. I have to get inspired and actually feel that I want to do something.
That and time. Which I now have hahahhaha *starts sobbing*
No I'm kidding
I like it, I need it and I love it.
Just questioning my existence every now in a while
Either way it's progress!
I'm really proud of what it is already, I like how i've managed to make it move smoothly. Having some trouble with wings, but mostly minor stuff only.
I havent decided if I'll leave it just a small-short practice clip or do a few more, like separate flying clips. OoOooOor go all big again and make more fly animations and connect these all and actually make that nameless one a character and make a BOOM comeback to youtube
Not sure if I'll pull through, but I could try?
Well I'll see about that. Slow and steady.
WELP it's almost 4am again so. Fml and sayonara!
-Your friendly neighbourhood hobo